Friday, December 7, 2012

Same Sky Jewelry

Same Sky Jewelry//

Same Sky jewelry is such a wonderful cause to support.  Same Sky employs HIV+ women in developing countries by having them crochet gorgeous one-of-a-kind glass jewelry.  These women are able to make 15 to 20 times the average Sub Saharan wage through the program.  This program serves as a way for these women to make an honest paycheck from crafting these items rather than just giving them a handout.  They also provide these women with the tools needed to craft these items.  This program assists these women in thriving rather than remaining impoverished.  All of the proceeds from the jewelry sales are turned around and invested back into more women to train women to create these jewelry pieces and to pay the workers.
Same Sky Jewelry//

By purchasing these beautiful jewelry pieces, you are empowering these women world's away.  The pay they are able to receive from these jewelry sales not only allows them to support their families but also promotes prosperity within the artist's community. 
Black+Gold FAITH Earrings//

There are numerous ways that you can get involved.  You can attend a Same Sky Jewelry event, you can host a trunk show at your home, you can partner with them, you can apply to be an intern for them, and you can purchase their jewelry.  The more purchases that are made allow more women to be employed and begin being able to live prosperous lives.
Python HOPE Necklace//

There are many big names that support this cause--and you can find photos of them wearing this lovely jewelry on their web site.  From Meryl Streep and Halle Berry to Queen Latifah, this cause has a huge following.  You can wear these dazzling pieces of jewelry that these Hollywood stars so admire.

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