Sunday, December 2, 2012

Dignity U Wear

Dignity U Wear//
Dignity U Wear works to provide brand new clothing to those with a critical need for them.  They work with social service agencies to determine what is needed in our local communities.  Dignity U Wear meets these critical needs by monetary donations and clothing donations.  Dignity U Wear was founded in April of 2000 and has been able to donate over 6 million pieces of brand new clothing to children, men and women in the United States.  These clothing donations were valued over $125 million.  Dignity U Wear distributes these clothing donations by working with over 300 social service agencies/nonprofit organizations across all 50 states.

Dignity U Wear has some main areas of emphasis that it focuses on.  
  1. School Clothing for Children--they help clothe school children in need where obtaining new clothing is a barrier for them
  2. Veterans--they equip job-seeking veterans with job-appropriate clothing and help those veterans who have become homeless
  3. Women and Girls--serve as a support system for women/children who have suffered from domestic violence, who are at risk of dropping out of school and/or have suffered from sexual abuse
Dignity U Wear//

Dignity U Wear is able to obtain much of the clothing donations from donors, retailers, manufacturers and distributors.  Donated clothing typically includes excess inventory, samples, cancellations, logo overruns, etc.  Brooks Brothers, Maidenform, and Stein Mart are some of the largest apparel industry partners, to name a few.  Almost all of these clothes are sorted, packed and shipped out by a large group of volunteers.
Dignity U Wear//
Dignity U Wear has a really great web site that lists ways that you can get involved and ways that you can donate your money/clothing/your time.  Check them out and help clothe those in need.

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