Jungle Friends Primate Sanctuary// www.junglefriends.org |
Jungle Friends Primate Sanctuary is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization located in Gainesville, Florida that rescues and provides a home for monkeys from across the United States. The monkeys housed at Jungle Friends Primate Sanctuary have been rescued from being abused, are ex-pets, have retired from research and confiscated by authorities. The sanctuary spans across 12 acres and is home to over 120 monkeys and a long waiting list of monkeys to come.
Jungle Friends Primate Sanctuary// www.junglefriends.org |
Jungle Friends discourages the keeping of monkeys as pets. They have work hard to make sure that less monkeys are taken away from their natural mothers for entertainment/research purposes. Many of these babies are literally torn away from their mothers arms when they are as young as three days old. There are long-term emotional scars left on the mother and the baby; many of them become stricken with grief.
Jungle Friends Primate Sanctuary// www.junglefriends.org |
Jungle Friends works in unison with other primate sanctuaries towards ensuring that these primates will have a better life. Jungle Friends is in a delicate situation because unlike typical pet shelters where they can provide shelter to dogs, cats, etc, providing housing for wild animals is a more difficult situation. These animals can't be re-homed and they can't be released into the wild because no primates are indigenous to the United States. Jungle Friends is here to take in these primates and become their home.
Jungle Friends' work depends solely on donations. You can help them fulfill their many needs. You can also read about the many primates that can be found at the sanctuary. You can even adopt a Jungle Friends monkey for $50.00 (that'd be a great Christmas or Birthday gift.) Check out Jungle Friends Primate Sanctuary.
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