Wednesday, December 5, 2012

First Candle: Because Every Child Deserves a First Birthday

First Candle//

With a goal of advancing infant health and survival rate, First Candle is a national health 501 (c)(3) nonprofit organization that works with businesses, researchers, parents, community service groups, the government, etc. to achieve its goal.  They work hard to educate others about the danger and prevalence of Stillbirth, Sudden Infant Death Syndrome (SIDS) and Sudden Unexpected Infant Death (SUID.)  First Candle believes that through building a coalition of support and educating others about the dangers of these health problems that infants face that they will be successful in providing babies with the best possible chance to survive and live a happy life.
First Candle//

First Candle offers up-to-date information on SIDS, SUID and Stillbirth and also serves as a location to find support if you or someone you know has suffered the death of a baby.  They also encourage mothers to have healthy pregnancies and know the risks of having a baby and offer advice on how to best help them thrive.  First Candle offers grief support to families who have been affected by the death of a baby.
First Candle first started in the 1960s and was known as the National SIDS Foundation.  The primary focus of the National SIDS Foundation was to offer support to families who had been affected by SIDS.  In 2002, the SIDS Alliance Board of Directors voted to expand the efforts of the organization to cover SUID and Stillborn.  The organization voted to change its name to First Candle to help babies 'survive and thrive.'
First Candle reaches so many people by breaking up its focus areas by programs: research, education, advocacy and family support.
Research--First Candle's research program funds cutting-edge research projects throughout the United States
Education--First Candle has an abundance of brochures, information on their web site, a hotline with the most up-to-date information on infant health
Advocacy--First Candle has been able to increase federal funding for research projects and has made others aware of these infant health issues
Family Support--First Candle is able to reach over 13,000 people annually who have suffered the loss of a baby
First Candle//

Please get involved and support this cause.  Whether you can contribute financially or by giving your time--your efforts will not go unnoticed.  Every child deserves to celebrate their first birthday, and second birthday, and so on.
First Candle

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