Sunday, December 23, 2012

Defenders of Wildlife: Wildlife Adoption

Defenders of Wildlife//

If you're still searching for a Christmas gift for those on your list that are hard to buy for, I think I may have a solution.  If they're an animal lover or really have a passion for making sure that we protect endangered species, you will love what the Defenders of Wildlife web site has to offer.
Bats would really love your help//

Defenders of Wildlife is a nonprofit membership organization that has a mission of protecting all native animals and plant species in their natural environments.  They also work in educating the American public on the importance of preserving the wildlife and resolve conflicts that are facing the wildlife.  Defenders of Wildlife also goes across the borders and safeguards habitats and builds relationships through educating the public outside of the United States on why this wildlife is important.  90% of contributions received go directly to programs and services that protect the wildlife and 10% goes towards fundraising.
This Snowy Leopard could use your help//

There are numerous types of animals that you can 'adopt.'  Please note, when you adopt an animal or purchase an adoption package, you are not adopting a specific animal.  You are furthering the amount of money that will go towards protecting that species.  You will receive a plush toy in the animal's likeness, but you are not assigned to a specific animal.  Whether you like brown bears, red wolves, snowy owls, sharks, penguins or much more, you are sure to be able to find an endangered species that you would like to contribute to.
Sea Otters could really use your help//

All animal adoptions include a stuffed plush animal, a personalized adoption certificate, an animal fact sheet and a wildlife activities book.  Today, your small donation can help causes such as helping prevent Wyoming from being able to kill all wolves, prevent hunters from killing penguins or polar bears for sport, protect marine wildlife from oil spills, and much more causes.   These gifts make great birthday presents, thank you gifts, Christmas gifts, and any special occasion gift.  If you have a heart for these animals, this organization truly puts their money where their mouth is.  Also, check out their gift shop for some more cute pieces that will be sure to protecting these endangered species.

Saturday, December 22, 2012

KNO Clothing

KNO Clothing is an apparel company that is much more significant than making sure you look fashionable--it is about ending homelessness for good.  For every purchase you make, KNO Clothing donates a piece of clothing to the homeless and/or donates money to organizations that focus on providing support to those experiencing homelessness.  They donate 50% of their proceeds to help put a stop to homelessness.  The organizations they back are spread across over 150 communities throughout the United States.
The financial contributions have allowed these partners to ensure housing for over 19,000 people.  Also, since 2010, KNO Clothing has been able to hand out over 1200 pieces of clothing to the homeless.  Below is a diagram of how the process works.
Kno Clothing//
Kno Clothing//
Kno Clothing//
Kno Clothing//
Did you know that in the United States over 3.5 million people experience homelessness?  These homeless people include the mentally ill, military veterans, business people, moms, dads, cousins, brothers, sisters and friends.  Check out KNO Clothing's web site and help end homelessness.  Living in a home is a basic human right--nobody should have to live out on the streets.
Kno Clothing//

Friday, December 21, 2012

Squiggly Apparel: For the Boys

Squiggly Apparel//

The boys I'm referring to might not be typical boys, but this is a very important organization that I am highlighting today.  Promoting awareness for testicular cancer, Squiggly Apparel serves as a fun apparel company that supports this far-too-common form of cancer.  Their products encourage conversation about the topic and saves lives in the long run. 
Squiggly Apparel//

Squiggly Apparel was created in Delray Beach, Florida in 2012.  This apparel company is evolving into a well-known for-cause company concerned with testicular cancer.  Squiggly Apparel noticed that there were many organizations all over the world supporting other types of cancer, but they noticed a lack in organizations that focused solely on raising money in support of those affected by testicular cancer.  They 'swam' into the market to help 'support the boys.'
A big amount of every apparel purchase goes directly towards testicular cancer research.  This apparel company has effectively been gaining support and awareness of testicular cancer and been a true conversation starter.  Who would have known that a little purple 'swimmer' logo would sell so well.  You can buy socks, shirts, a tie and much more.  They have mens and womens apparel as well as accessories.  The most expensive item on the web site is the ladies polo at $27.  Not too shabby.
Squiggly Apparel Mens Tie//

The main point is that this is a great cause that is often thought of as 'taboo' in society.  Testicular cancer is the most common cancer among men ages 15 to 35.  Also, testicular cancer affects many types of men.  Testicular cancer is relatively rare (it was projected that about 7,600 cases would happen in 2012.)  However, if you add it up, that's still quite a bit of cases a year.  The instances of testicular cancer have nearly doubled in the past 40 years.  Check out the Squiggly Apparel web site and check out their clothing as well as the information they have about testicular cancer.  It could save your life!

Thursday, December 20, 2012

1 Face Watch

1 Face Watches//

First off, I want to apologize for not posting yesterday.  Work has been really hectic as of late and I had to commit to wrapping Christmas gifts last night and getting a little bit of much-needed R&R.  I hope you understand.  I just wanted to clear that up.

Second off, today I am featuring a really cool product that only costs $40 a piece and allows you to 'change the world, one face (watch) at a time.'  You can buy a really cool watch and support either AIDS, cancer, the hungry, the environment, the thirsty or those affected by breast cancer.  Each watch you order comes with a metric which provides you with the information of how they carry out their business model by your purchase.  They seek to be as transparent as possible.
1 Face Watches//

Below is the breakdown of what your purchases can do.  In this case, $40 can go a long way.  Not only are these watches charitable, but they also look really cool.  I'm definitely envious of people who have known about this company before I did.  I always feel like I'm way behind in finding out about things like this.  However, I'm glad I'm finding out about this now and able to tell you about it.  If you check out their web site, you will find out the specific charities each watch is associated with as well as information regarding the quality of the watch.  Simply put, you can be the change you wish to see in the world--but you have to make the move in the right direction.
1 Face Watch//

Tuesday, December 18, 2012



I think, that sustainability is such an important idea to encourage our children (the future) to take part in.  SmileSquared takes the idea of sustainability and sells sustainable toothbrushes that biodegradable and recyclable.  Not only are these products less harmful on the environment, but they will also donate a toothbrush to a child in need.  This idea of 'buy one, give one' means so much more to me than 'buy one, get one.'  Another great feature of this product is the price: they're only $5.95.  Sounds like a guilt-free purchase to me.
Smile Squared//

The idea for SmileSquared came after a trip to Central America in which the founders of SmileSquared, Eric Cope and his wife, saw the impact of the lack of dental hygiene on the individuals they met.  They noticed that children especially were missing out on taking part in brushing their teeth and how that contributed to a lack of self-esteem and a lack of quality-health.  SmileSquared hopes that they challenge others to rethink what they buy and why they buy.  The toothbrushes, while small, make a huge impact on the lives touched by this company.
Smile Squared//
Check out the SmileSquared web site and prepare to be blown away by the power of one toothbrush.  You will find pictures of beautiful young girls and boys whose lives have been transformed by the power of a toothbrush.  You have the power to help save lives, one toothbrush at a time.  Restock your toothbrushes today.

Monday, December 17, 2012

Lend a FreeHand Dog Food

Lend a FreeHand//

If you have a dog, I'm sure you are very concerned about them getting the proper nutrition and love that they deserve.  Trey and I make sure that our pugs only get the best--and that means we spend a bit more on dog food than most others would.  Lend a Free Hand is a really cool organization that allows you purchase dog food for your dog and then in turn they will donate a meal to a rescue dog.  Not only do they donate dog food to rescue dogs through your purchases, but they also have worked very hard to ensure that they are selling a high-quality, holistic product.  They currently have 4 different varieties to choose from: Lamb Meal & Brown Rice, Chicken & Pork Meals, Turkey, Chicken and Duck Meals and Grain-Free with Chicken and Salmon Meals.  Their prices range from $34.95 (15 lb. bag of the Chicken & Pork Meals) to $66.95 (25 lb. bag of the Grain-Free with Chicken and Salmon Meals.)
Lend a FreeHand//

The mission of Free Hand Dog Food is to rescue the millions of pets throughout the United States that are threatened by the reality of possibly being euthanized.  Lend a Free Hand also wishes to provide a high-quality product that will be sold in the communities where they hope to help these formerly abused and abandoned dogs.  Many of these rescue organizations and shelters have a huge challenge in providing a good food to these pets--this is where Lend a Free Hand steps in.  Free Hand Dog Food matches your purchase with a 'pound for pound, scoop for scoop, meal for meal' program.  This program not also gives these dogs food, but it also boosts their health, thus giving them more of a chance at surviving.
Lend a FreeHand //

If you're interested in helping out these loving, innocent animals, check out the Lend a FreeHand Web site and find a store where this product is sold.  I'm sure your four-legged friends would love to know that you're giving back to other friends.
Lend a FreeHand//

Sunday, December 16, 2012

Chabad's Children of Chernobyl

I've mentioned before that I have a love for children in Eastern Europe.  Everyone has different passions in their lives and the desire to help children in Eastern Europe is a passion that I hope to be able to fulfill one day.  One huge group of children that I have been praying for and have made others aware of the problems they are facing has to deal with the children of Chernobyl.  There are thousands of children living with cancer and/or weakened immune systems due to what happened on that fateful day in April of 1986.
One 'Rescue Mission' group//

On April 26, 1986, the Chernobyl disaster occurred when a nuclear reactor exploded in Soviet Ukraine--I wasn't even alive yet. The effects of this catastrophic event have caught my attention and more than 25 years later, I am able to help and spread awareness of this event.  Many people have forgotten about Chernobyl or they just look at it as something that happened a long time ago and beg the question as to why they should care now.  Little people know about the profound effect that this radiation has had on the children in the areas of Belarus and Ukraine today.  

Since the Chernobyl disaster, there has been over a 100% increase in cases of Thyroid cancer in these children. **This disease is rarely found in children anywhere else in the world.**  Not only has the radiation caused this increase in cancer cases, but it also contaminated soil and waterways, thus causing poor nutrition.  Add this contamination in with the depression from this event, a corrupt political regime, a struggling economy, bad medical and dental facilities and many other issues and you find the reason why many of these children and families are unable to relocate out of these areas of endangerment.
Chabad's Children of Chernobyl//

Chabad's Children of Chernobyl (CCOC) seeks to permanently remove children from these contaminated area--they are the only organization in the world focused on the children of the Chernobyl disaster that have successfully been able to remove these children from the area.  Some children are physically unable to leave the area for a variety of reasons, and Chabad's Children of Chernobyl sends medicine, therapeutic aids, medical supplies and other supplies to these areas.  CCOC has also been able to personally train local physicians to be able to administer treatment for radiation-related illnesses.  They have also built a mammography clinic which has been able to combat breast cancer--another form of cancer which has increased in the area and is highly correlated with the Chernobyl disaster.
Chabad's Children of Chernobyl//

CCOC takes these children out of the contaminated areas on helicopters on what they call 'rescue missions.'  Many of these childen have never set foot on a helicopter before or ever dreamed that they would be able to.  These kids are taken to Israel and given a home in dormitories, given a good education, given medical care, summer camp and allowed to participate in extracurricular activities.   The organization also works closely with the families of these children and encourages them to go to Israel and reunite with their children and take an active part in their lives.  Last but not least, CCOC provides aid to those living in the contaminated areas by providing food, clothing and medical attention to those who remain in those areas.  Please check out their web site and donate today!
Chabad's Children of Chernobyl//