Friday, November 30, 2012

Save The Whales(STW)

Save The Whales//

Save The Whales, a nonprrofit 501(c)(3) educational organization, has been working since 1977 to educate children as well as adults about the importance of marine mammals, their preservation and environments.  Maris Sidenstenstecker, who was only 14 years old at the time, had the idea to spark this program because of a love for these marine mammals.  The organization hopes that they will be able to inspire children to promote change in the future.  They believe that education is agent for change needed to save the whales, the ocean and ourselves.
Save The Whales//

The organization has been working tirelessly for over 25 years to end the killing of whales.  In 1986, there was a worldwide ban on whaling, but it hasn't resolved the issue.  Many things threaten these gentle giants--bombings, killings, capturing and pollution in the ocean. 
Save The Whales//

Save the Whales is able to prevent the US Navy from performing shock tests and saves over 10,000 mammals.  These 'ship shocks' are explosives that used to be done off the coast of Southern California.  These shock tests would have been responsible for injury and countless deaths of endangered whales, seals and dolphins.  The organization also works to aid in rescuing animals that have been entangled in fishing nets.  STW campaigns with legislators to help encourage offending nations to end the legalization of whaling.  There are numerous dangers to these lovable creatures.  The web site has in-depth information about the many dangers and details what we can do about it to help.

The web site lists ways that you can help today:

Never release balloons outside
Buy Albacore tuna, the only dolphin safe tuna
Prevent Urban Runoff - keep your car maintained
√ Write letters to government officials
Cut up six-pac rings before discarding them
For a Household Hazardous Waste Disposal near you call
or visit :
Participate in beach clean ups.

There's a Whale Store that you can visit.  It has some really cool items that you can purchase.  You can even adopt a Vaquita Porpoise and a Whale.  Sounds like a great Christmas gift!  You can become a member for a nominal fee and donate to the cause online.  Get involved because this is a very special cause.

Thursday, November 29, 2012

Brides Against Breast Cancer

Brides Against Breast Cancer//

I had the opportunity to volunteer at an event in Austin for Brides Against Breast Cancer when I was interning for a wedding planning company.  Imagine being able to purchase a beautiful wedding dress and all the while being able to contribute to supporting cancer survivors and their families.  They have educational programs as well as outreach programs along with the bridal shows across the country.  The organization serves as a resource and information source for those who are impacted by the disease.

Brides Against Breast Cancer has over 70 bridal shows annually.  The wedding gown sales are vital to this organization being able to succeed in helping cancer survivors.  Fashion designers, manufacturers, bridal shops and former brides donate the wedding dresses.  Some of the dresses are previously worn, but in upstanding condition.  The prices are very low compared to retail and they have great dresses in a variety of sizes (most dresses range from $99 to $800.)  To date, the program has received over 50,000 donations which have kept this program going strong.
Brides Against Breast Cancer//

You can get involved by volunteering at the National Tour of Wedding Gowns.  They have their tour schedule on their web site.  I can speak from experience when I say that working this event is a bunch of fun.  Getting to put out all of these wedding gowns and meet all of the lucky brides was really fun.  You can also donate your gently used wedding gown to the organization and help grant the wish of one lucky bride-to-be.

Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Austin Pets Alive!

Austin Pets Alive!//

If you are like me and love pets, nothing is more devestating to me than the fact that an endless amount of animals each year are put to death in animal shelters because they don't have the capacity to support the amount of animals that are without homes.  Austin Pets Alive! is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization that was founded in 1997 that seeks to serve as a shelter for dogs and cats in kill-shelters and find homes for these animals.  They serve primarily in Austin and Central Texas. 

I had a friend that I worked with in Austin who had adopted her dog from Austin Pets Alive! and she was absolutely in love with her pit bull mix.  It's so special to know that there are organizations that are serving as the voices for these helpless animals.  I love people, but I have a strong heart for animals.  I was so lucky to grow in a family that taught me to love animals and how special they can be as companions.  I couldn't live without animals in my life.  They are a comfort for me and I see them as a blessing from God.
Austin Pets Alive!//

Austin Pets Alive! has an Austin-centered focus which makes it unique, and they have a program that encourages spaying and neutering the animals and also has a high-quality adoption program.  Austin Pets Alive!  helps find 'at risk' animals from kill-shelters and rescues them, but they also work with owners who aren't having the best success with their animals and helps them surrender their animals to the program.  They look for healthy and treatable pets that have been passed over by other shelters to be brought into the program.  Austin Pets Alive! serves as an education source for the public and teaches about the need of eliminating companion animals.  Their main goal is to get Austin to be a no-kill city. 
Check out Austin Pets Alive! and adopt an animal or donate to the cause!  You can even volunteer, if you live in Central Texas area.

Austin Pets Alive!//

Tuesday, November 27, 2012

Girls on the Run

Girls on the Run//

 I am a huge running fan.  I have been a runner basically since I was old enough to run.  I may not have competed until I was in middle school, but I'm sure my parents would vouch for the fact that I have always been an active person.  I would even run from my dad when I would get in trouble in my younger years.  It would make him even more mad about the situation, but I have always found running as a way to vent.  I don't think anything is greater than the feeling you get after a long run--I encourage you to try it sometime.

Girls on the Run is an awesome organization that I back 100%.  Their whole mission is to inspire girls and give them self-confidence through a curriculum that uses running and fitness.  The curriculum allows young girls to set goals and achieve them, thus giving them the self-confidence they aren't getting in the outside world.
Girls On the Run//

After a morning run in 1993, Molly Barker, the founder of Girls on the Run, got the idea to start this organization. She had spent years struggling with her self-worth.  Her goal was to help young girls realize that their potential can reach beyond the unhealthy messages that society sends them.  Girls see movie stars and strive to be super thin and flawless like these women--but they forget that these women are the exception to the rule and not the only standard for beauty.

In 1996, in Raleigh, North Carolina, Barker piloted the curriculum she came up with for a class of 13 girls.  These girls told other girls about it, and they told others about the organization as well.  The positive reviews surrounding the organization were becoming endless.  In 2000, Girls on the Run became a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization, and it can be found in over 200 cities in the United States and Canada.

The organization has two programs that kids can be involved in.  They have a 3rd-5th grade program and a 6th-8th grade program.  The 3rd-5th grade program is an after-school program for girls.  The 6th-8th grade program is specially focused on middle school students and the issues they face at that age.  The program usually lasts 10-12 weeks and allows girls to gain friendships and be inspired by one another.

There are several ways to get involved--One can start a council in their city, you can volunteer, you can participate in 5K's sponsored by organization, you can be a SoleMate and run marathons with proceeds going to Girls on the Run, and you can donate monetarily.  It's a great cause.

Check out Girls on the Run! Find a location near you

Monday, November 26, 2012

Mumbai Smiles

Mumbai Smiles//

This nonprofit organization works with underprivileged individuals in Mumbai.  They focus on the areas of education, building awareness, health and building better livelihoods.  Their motto is 'Building Futures Through Love.' So cute!  When you visit their web site and see all of the pictures of the children, one can't help but smile.
Mumbai Smiles//

Mumbai Smiles started in 2005 when Spanish journalist Jaume Sanllorente came back from a holiday trip to Mumbai.  His live was profoundly changed after experiencing the joy in the wake of poverty.  The organization has grown to great heights and is fortunate to have been able to help thousands of people.  The organization's mission is to bring basic human dignity and human rights to these impoverished people.  They hope to free Mumbai of the social injustice that is so common there.
Mumbai Smiles//
Mumbai, while the largest city in India, has a wide disparity of incomes across the city.  There are some really prosperous areas and some areas where people are barely scraping enough money to get by. 
Over 50% of the population are slum-dwellers.  The slum dwellers are characterized by a group of people living under the same roof who lack access to clean water and food, durable housing, and other necessities that most people have access to.  They are known as living in urban poverty.  It's not only the fact that they don't have access to certain freedoms, but they don't have a way to get out of these impoverished conditions.  It's a huge problem and people often overlook how desperate these conditions have become in the big cities of India.

While the organization works mainly in Mumbai, it has partners in Spain, United States, India and Mexico.   They have always had a plan to change lives in the Mumbai area.  They do this by staying transparent (all of their audits are available online and their financial statements.)  They also plan trips for outsiders to be able to visit the area and see the work done in Mumbai.  They also do work by projects and make sure their projects are in line with their goals.  They are currently in the process of trying to expand their operations in the area.

Check out Mumbai Smiles and see how you can get involved and maintain the smiles in Mumbai.

Sunday, November 25, 2012

Heifer International

Today, the organization I am featuring is Heifer International.  This is such a cool opportunity!  You can actually donate a cow, a flock of ducks, honeybees, and so much more to those in need.  

Heifer International has a mission to end world hunger and poverty by working with the communities and taking care of the land.  An Indiana farmer and relief worker named Dan West got the idea for this organization after being touched by the plight of refugees from the Spanish civil war and the orphans.  He saw the need for cows to be provided to the community rather than cups of powdered milk in order to survive.  By providing a cow to the community, families wouldn't have to depend on temporary powdered milk but would be able to depend on a cow for milk and all of the benefits that the animal would bring.  In 1944, the first cows were donated abroad by West's neighbors and the organization was started.
Heifer International//

Today, the organization allows for one to provide over 30 types of animals from cows, goats, geese, guinea pigs, water buffalo, etc.  Dan West had such a passion for ending world hunger due to his Christian faith.  Heifer International, while started by a man of Christian faith, is proud to be backed by people of all faiths and no faith to end world hunger.  Many of the staff members found abroad are indigenous to the country.  Heifer International provides these animals so that these people can help themselves.  They consider the livestock that they are able to donate to these families as hand-ups not handouts.  They hope to empower these families by allowing them to turn their hunger into prosperity.  This is a form of sustainable agriculture and a way to raise money and support their families.
Heifer International//

According to the web site, Heifer International works in around 42 countries, including the United States.  Due to the efforts of Heifer International, millions of people will have access to fresh milk, eggs and vegetables.  Children who have had to work tirelessly in the fields will instead be able to go to school and learn to read.  Families who have been plagued by impoverished conditions will be able to lead happier and healthier lives and build homes for their families.  These families will also be able to be business owners and sell the milk, eggs and products that their livestock has been able to provide. The organization encourages those who are given the animals to 'pass on the gift' and commit to helping other families in need by sharing the offspring of gift animals to them.

Heifer International succeeds in helping end world hunger by following its 12 Cornerstones:
1.) Passing on the Gift
3.)Sharing and Caring
4.)Sustainability & Self-reliance
5.)Improved animal management
6.)Genuine need & justice
7.)Improving the Environment
8.)Full participation
9.)Training & Education
11.)Gender & Family Focus
12.) Nutrition & Income

Read more about the Cornerstones on Heifer International's web site.  Get involved and donate to this cause.  You can even pick to donate an animal.  You can provide honeybees ($30), a flock of ducks($20), you can send a girl to school ($275), etc.  There are so many awesome gifts that you can donate to those in need.  I think you will see that this is a very worthy cause.  This holiday season, donate something tangible to those in need.  Support Heifer International!

Saturday, November 24, 2012

Little Kids Rock

I am a huge proponent of the arts.  While I am not musically talented at all, I admire those who excel at playing musical instruments.  Children from disadvantaged areas are less likely to participate in music education because they would be unable to purchase the musical instruments and the books and learning materials that would be required.  Little Kids Rock (LKR) works to revitalize music education in the most disadvantaged public schools across the country.  The organization works with school districts and trains teachers in the 'Little Kids Rock' curriculum and then donates all of the musical instruments in order for the program to be successful.  Many school districts in poor areas have closed their music programs because they are unable to keep them up and running due to financial reasons.
Little Kids Rock//

Little Kids Rock currently serves over 85,000 students in K-12 schools.  There are statistics that say that students who play musical instruments are over 50% more likely to attend college than those who don't.  By giving these students the right to participate in a top-notch music program, these students are being empowered and able to have fun.  This nonprofit organization is able to inspire creativity in these students and give them a skill that can take them beyond the classroom.  Another cool thing to note is that the curriculum is deeply rooted in modern-day music such as rap, rock, blues and hip-hop.

The idea for Little Kids Rock goes back to 1996 when school teacher David Wish became frustrated with the lack of funding for music education being provided by the school he taught at.  David decided that he would take matters into his own hands and offer after-school guitar classes to this students.  These after-school guitar classes were very popular, and Wish decided he would take the program national.  In 2002, with the support of musical legends BB King and John Lee Hooker, Little Kids Rock was born.  The program has support from honorary Board Members Ziggy Marley, BB King, Slash, Paul Simon and Bonnie Raitt. 
Little Kids Rock//

The program is spreading like wildfire and growing bigger daily.  I was excited to see that the program can be found in Dallas as well.  Good to see that this program is available to kids in my backyard.

Check out the Little Kids Rock web site and help our kids 'Rock On!'

You can donate on their web site and also shop on their online store.

Friday, November 23, 2012

Charity: Water

I like to stay really hydrated all of the time.  I think I learned this habit from my high school running days in which I would be at risk of passing out if I didn't drink water habitually.  I am lucky to be from America where I never really run into the issue of having to drink dirty drinking water.  My husband and I even have a Brita faucet filter that allows us to have filtered drinking any water any time we like.  We both take advantage of this every day.
Charity: Water is a really awesome nonprofit organization that aims to bring clean drinking water to those in developing nations without access to it.  The organization sends all donations it earns to fund these water projects.  The organization proves this by providing pictures and GPS coordinates on its web site to show you the progress on these projects.

One might think that it can't be that difficult to find clean drinking water in the world.  Studies show that about 1 in 9 of us  will not have access to clean water.  These individuals are drinking water that is likely to make them sick and is contaminated.  The web site states that diseases and contamination from this unsafe water kills more people that war and violence do.  Children are at the highest risk for death because their bodies are unable to fight the symptoms that come from water that has been contaminated (diarrhea, dysentary, etc.)  About 30,000 people die every week from unsafe drinking water.  About 9 out of 10 of these deaths are young children under the age of 5.  Many of these diseases are preventable if there could be access to clean water, hygiene and water supply.
I'll be honest with you--I knew there was an issue with water being unsafe in developing countries.  However, 30,000 deaths a week!?  I am astonished to hear this statistic.  This is incredibly sad and I hope you are with me and hope to put a stop to this problem.  This many children should not be dying before they reach age six because of contaminated water.  Water is essential to life--we can help make this better.
The website also has some more staggering statistics that I encourage you to educate yourself on.  Did you know that in Africa alone, people spend 40 billion hours walking for water.  Clean water means safety for these women and children.  It also means more time being able to help with the family.  Clean water means more than just being able to keep hydrated--it means life for these people.

Check out Charity: Water and help them reach their goal of funding 100 wells for the holidays.  You can donate to the cause.  One other way to get involved is to give up your birthday--allow others to donate to this cause rather than accepting gifts.  Also, you can sponsor a fundraiser and find a speaker to come and speak at your event.  There are numerous ways to get involved.  Instead of worrying about Black Friday deals, it might be a great way to spend your leftover money.

Thursday, November 22, 2012

Falling Whistles Campaign

I've always been a huge Beatles fan.  My father taught me early on that the best band ever to grace God's green Earth was the lovable quartet from England.  Even though I was born well after they had the highest points in their career, I still loved them.  Everyone always has a favorite from every band--mine was John Lennon.  He was simply amazing.  Many people think Yoko Ono completely changed him, but I think that he felt free with her--and for one to be able to feel completely like themselves, that is a positive thing. 

One of my favorite songs of all time is 'Imagine' by John Lennon.  I think the lyrics are beautiful and ring true to today.  I dream about a day where there is no war and people are living for the day.  It's inevitable that there will be chaos in this world, but John dreamed about a world where we could all get along.  This is one reason that I enjoy helping others--I like to bring a little piece of peace to others.  For this Thanksgiving Day, I am thankful for so much (my husband, my family, my friends, having a job, my dogs, my health, etc.), but I am also thankful for those in this world who work so diligently to bring peace to others; those people are truly special.


Today, I have decided to feature an organization that focuses on bring freedom and peace to Congo.  Congo is home to one of the most endless wars of all time.  There is a constant war going on and many children are being sent into harm's way with no training whatsoever.  They are simply looked upon as disposable.  Congo boasts a population of about 63 million people in the heart of Africa.  There is a record of human devastation in Congo that is unmatched in human history since World War II.  The organization invites you to become a whistleblower for peace.  They sell whistles (quite fashionable if I may say so myself) as a symbol of protest against the problems in the area.
Falling Whistles Campaign//

The organization thinks the best way to solve the problem is by building visionaries within the communities to help end this deadly war.

The Falling Whistles Campain was birthed in 2008 after the founders met 5 boy soldiers in eastern Congo who were former child soldiers held in a military camp.  One of the boys told a story of how they used to be sent into the frontlines of war armed only with a whistle.  The Falling Whistles journal was written after hearing this story and sent to about 80 friends and family members that the founders knew.  Those individuals then told others about this issue, and this caused numerous people asking 'How can we help?'.  The founders have not been quiet about the issue since then.  They started at their home with no money (the web site says $5), no office and no idea of how to help.  They literally launched this campaign for peace from their garage.
Falling Whistles Campaign//

One of the founders hitchhiked from Austin, Texas to New York City telling everyone about the mission of the organization.  This inspired 3 college students to ride from Florida to California telling even more about this issue.  The word spread like wildfire.  To date, the organization is represented by over 55,000 whistleblowers, 8 visionaries in Congo, 200 retail partners, 35 Congressmen and 16 Senators.  They plan to keep building awareness of the issue in Congo and to ultimately end this issue in Congo.

The web site provided the following examples as what has been accomplished thus far with the partnerships built in Congo:

  • The rehabilitation of 400 street children and former child soldiers in Goma and the Masisi District of North Kivu.
  •  Orthopedic surgeries for 260 disabled children in Rutshuru District of North Kivu.
  •  Domestic production and distribution of 330,000 low-cost malaria treatments, using quinine harvested on Idjwi Island.
  •  Construction of a 159-vendor Peace Market in Mumosho village in South Kivu.
  • The establishment of South Kivu’s first haircare training school run exclusively for female stylists.
  •  The creation of an innovative SMS-based election monitoring system that generated over 200 real-time reports from citizen-journalists in three provinces.
  •  Trials for rape victims to bring their attackers to justice.
  •  A reconciliation festival bringing together individuals from Burundi, Rwanda and Congo toward the common goal of peace.
Read more about this issue and the history of the War in Congo on the Falling Whistles Campaign web site!  Donate to the cause and buy a whistle and wear it proudly around your neck.  Tell others about this issue and work to save those suffering from the effects of this war.

Wednesday, November 21, 2012

Raul Jimenez Thanksgiving Dinner: San Antonio, TX

I got the honor of being able to help at this dinner twice while I was in high school.  Imagine a huge convention center lined with hundreds of tables and chairs in which thousands of lonely senior citizens and the less fortunate are able to enjoy a warm and nutritious Thanksgiving dinner courtesy of a large team of roughly 400 volunteers--that's what the Raul Jimenez Thanksgiving Dinner is all about.

The organization got its namesake from Raul Jimenez, a San Antonio restaurant owner and businessman, who in 1979 established this event to serve those forgotten individuals.  Celebrating its 33rd year, the Raul Jimenez Thanksgiving Dinner continues to carry on Raul Jimenez's legacy.  The event is held at the Henry B. Gonzalez Convention Center in the heart of downtown San Antonio.  The event features a community-style meal and live music and entertainment.  The event is thought to have served over 24,000 needy individuals and is one of the largest Thanksgiving Day benefits in the United States.

Volunteers for the event begin prepping the food for the event a week before the event, and they also help with decorations, entertainment, management of the event, security, clean-up and many other facets of the day.  The community school districts have their students create custom-made decorations that will fill the convention center and the tables that the guests will sit at.

This San Antonio tradition relies on the help of corporate sponsors, local businesses, foundations and private donations.  Many San Antonio-based companies diligently donate toward this cause.

If you'd like to get involved, you can Donate, Volunteer or become a sponsor of the event.  Anything helps.  With Thanksgiving being tomorrow, I figured this was the perfect organization to feature.

Here are some fun facts from their web site

Food Preparation for 25,000 Meals
Green Beans
Cranberry Sauce
Pumpkin Pies
9,400 lbs.
6,250 lbs.
6,250 lbs.
650 lbs.
4,688 lbs.
4,688 lbs.
32,000 dinner rolls
3000 pies

Have a very happy Thanksgiving!

Tuesday, November 20, 2012

Jeremiah Project 51

Have you ever felt bullied?  Have you ever felt like ending your life because of it?  One thing that makes me so incredibly sad is how many pre-teens and young adults in this country are committing suicide because they are feeling hopeless and find no way to live with the problems they are facing.  Their lives are gone in a snap--and once they succeed in killing themselves, there is no more helping them.  However, I am featuring a nonprofit organization that is working to help bring awareness of this issue to this vulnerable group of the population.

Jeremiah Project 51, which is based in Winnteka, California, was established in 2008 in memory of Jeremiah Lasater, a 14-year old boy who internalized all of the bullying he was facing at school until October 20, 2008, when he ended it all with a single gunshot wound to the head in his high school bathroom.  Jeremiah's father was not going to let Jeremiah's legacy end in that bathroom, and he founded this nonprofit in order to put an end to bullying.  The organization is also working to prevent cyber-bullying as well.  Jeremiah was 6'6" and weighed 275 pounds.  He was described as a gentle giant who would never hurt anyone.  His family did not know that he was facing this bullying at school.  The organization works to remind others that bullying can happen to anyone.

The program works to get a (800)number program in the schools where the students or parents can call in and tell whether they have been bullied or whether they have witnessed somebody being bullied.  The school will then have 24 hours to investigate the incident.  They also push for the schools to have educational programs in place to get the issue in front of the students.   They work to have a zero tolerance policy where bullying isn't allowed, even if the perpetrator thinks it's all in good fun.  Last but not least, they work for mentor programs in which older students would be assigned to younger students and they can have a role model to look up to and the older student can check on the student daily.

It is inspiring to read about how Jeff Lasater is helping his son's legacy live on in such a meaningful way.  Please check out this web site and tell others about it.  The more people know about the issue, the less of a problem it will be.  We need to keep the youth of America alive.  The future is bright!

Jeremiah Project 51

Monday, November 19, 2012

Greater Than AIDS


December 1st is World AIDS Day.  In the United States, over 1 million individuals live with HIV.  More than half of that statistic are Black Americans.  Greater Than AIDS seeks to educate the public about the importance of HIV/AIDS testing, safe sex and awareness of the issue at hand; it also works to reduce the stigma surrounding the disease.  Considering there is currently no cure for HIV other than medications that can provide assistance in helping live healthy and happy lives, organizations such as this one are vital to the public.

The organization focuses on 5 key ways to be Greater Than Aids:
1)Know Get the Facts about HIV/AIDS--Gives you the facts (What exactly are the differences between AIDS and HIV)
2)Talk Start the Conversation--Movements sweeping the nation getting the problem out in front of the public; also has videos and articles from people living with HIV/AIDS
3)Protect Use a Condom--The site tells you about different types, how to use them, etc.
4)Get Tested Find a Testing Center--Type in your zip code and it will locate testing centers close by; also tells you the importance of getting tested
5)Take Action Get Involved--You can order pamphlets and promotional pieces to get the word out--you can also find ways to volunteer and get involved.

Check out Greater Than Aids online.  Get tested. Get involved.

Sunday, November 18, 2012

Guiding Eyes for the Blind

Guiding Eyes for the Blind is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization that has been established as a school for training guide dogs and providing these dogs to those who need them at no cost.  To date, they have provided over 7,200 guide dogs to the visually impaired.  They have also been providing support to the visually-impaired and blind individuals by educating them on how to safely travel, how to be more independent and by giving them the dignity they deserve to lead successful lives.  This organization depends on donations to fulfill its mission and provide the services they are passionate about.
Guiding Eyes for the Blind

 Guide dogs are provided to expand the horizons of the blind and visually impaired.   By having the guide dogs, the graduates of the guide dog training program are able to attend college, get married, have a manageable family life, attend their children's soccer games, etc.

In 2008, dogs started being provided as companions for children with autism.  The program has seen amazing outcomes and provided hope to these children who have to learn to face the future with their special gift.
Guding Eyes for the Blind/

There are several ways you can help out this organization.  For one, they have puppy raising programs, where you can raise the puppy in your home and make sure they get the proper socialization before they are established as a guide dog.  If you are in Patterson, New York, you can volunteer at the headquarters and provide love to the service dogs.  You can give a donation to this cause, and your money will go towards the services they offer. The web site even has a store that you can purchase items from in which the proceeds go to the cause. Last but not least, you are also able to educate others about the importance of this program and raise awareness.  This organization is a worthy cause and since they rely on donations to keep doing what they are doing, it is important that people understand its importance.

I encourage you to get involved with this organization.  I can't even imagine what my life would be like without the ability to see.  I have so much respect for those who have to lead a normal life yet they have never been able to see.  This organization gives them their dignity back.  You can help give them dignity.  They are so deserving.

Guiding Eyes

Saturday, November 17, 2012

Pandas International

I absolutely love Panda Bears.  I even go by Amanda Panda sometimes--it's a nickname that kind of sticked around in my school days.  I think Pandas are stunning creatures and I think the world is a better place with them in it.  Sadly however, Giant Pandas are an endangered creature.  Pandas International is a 501 (c)(3) nonprofit organization created to educate people about the risk of losing this gorgeous creature and working towards the preservation of them.  In 1999, Diane Rees and Suzanne Braden visited the Wolong Panda Center in China and decided that upon returning they would form this nonprofit organization.
Pandas International/

There are only thought to be about 1,600 Giant Pandas left on this Earth.  This organization solely focuses on the Giant Panda and places all its efforts towards saving them and making sure that extinction is out of the question.  In 2008, the Wolong Panda Center was destroyed following the 2008 earthquake in China.  This earthquake and the devastation it caused has put much stress on the mission of the organization.

If you donate, your money goes towards medical support (providing milk formula, treating the Giant Pandas, etc.) and direct support of the Panda Reserves, including adoptions and bamboo deforestation (the 2008 earthquake destroyed much of the bamboo near the Wolong Panda Center--bamboo is the main source of food for the Giant Panda.)  It also goes towards informing and educating the public about the risk of losing the Giant Panda.

This web site provides so many interesting ways that you can provide your support.  One way you can show your support is by volunteering in China at Bifengxia Panda Center--you would need to provide your own travel, but if you are able to visit China, this would be a great option.  You can also throw a Panda Party and have the focus be raising money to support the Giant Pandas.  You can adopt a Panda (disclaimer*This doesn't mean you get to have this Panda live with you)--and have a Panda that your donations go to.  Pandas International also has a huge gift shop on their web site that allows you to purchase some great panda-related gifts.  You can also make a monetary donation or simply tell people about the need to help these amazing creatures.  Any help is greatly appreciated.  Overall, this cause is amazing and I am thankful that their is such a big voice in this world for Giant Pandas.

Check out Pandas International, you won't regret it!

Pandas International/

Friday, November 16, 2012

Awesome Product Alert: LUSH Charity Pot

Occasionally, instead of featuring a charity for the day, I will feature a worthy product.  Looking for a wonderful product that gives back.  Enter: LUSH Charity Pot.  This luxurious cocoa butter creme will keep you coming back for more--and not make you feel guilty for doing so.  The proceeds of this cocoa butter 100%(minus the taxes) go to small, grassroots organizations that are making a big difference in this world.  Below are just a few of the numerous organizations you can make sure the donated causes go towards:
The International Indigenous Leadership Gathering
Under the Same Sun
Pets and Friends
Keep Austin Beautiful
and many many more amazing causes.

Be sure you check out the web site at:

This cocoa butter would be an AMAZING Christmas present especially considering it gets cold this time of year and everyone wants to stay moisturized.  I know that I get terribly dry skin, and this stuff will not only keep my heart warm, but also will keep my skin from cracking.  Their web site is absolutely amazing and you can check out the information about all of these charities on the LUSH web site as well as donate directly from LUSH to any worthy cause you find fit.

One other awesome thing to note about this product is how guilt-free you can be about it.  Not only is the product made in Canada (to minimize the transport of the product), but it does not involve any animal testing, it's fresh (it's shipped out after it is made) and there is ethical buying involved from the Dominican Republic when buying the cocoa butter.  All around, this product is just great.  Order some online.  It's only $5.95(1.7oz.) to 22.95(7.9oz.) to purchase.

Thursday, November 15, 2012

Gridiron Heroes: Spinal Cord Injury Foundation

You can thank my lovely husband Trey for the featured organization today.  He's a huge sports guy and football is his favorite sport.

Gridiron Heroes began in 2003 and my husband got the chance to meet the founding member, Eddie Canales and his son Chris, in 2009.  Chris played for San Marcos (TX) Baptist Academy, and sustained a spinal cord injury and was paralyzed in 2001 during the 4th quarter of the last regular season game during his senior year.  Chris fought valiantly and was able to make a recovery, albeit a recovery that would see Chris have to learn to function as a quadriplegic.  The next year, Chris and Eddie were attending the 3A state championship game and they witnessed another player sustain an injury.  After learning how difficult the recovery period was, Chris, Eddie, and Chris' high school coach Mike Kipp were inspired to begin Gridiron Heroes in order to help others who sustain this injury.  While football is a dangerous sport and the prospect of broken bones is always in the back of players' minds, many never think that a spinal cord injury could happen to them. I encourage you to check out this great organization. You can help or get involved by following this link:

2009 Dallas Cowboys training camp

Wednesday, November 14, 2012

Kidd's Kids: The Kidd Kraddick Foundation

I remember thinking I had the worst life growing up as a child.  As I've aged, I've determined that I was ridiculous and selfish.  I had it really good.  There are so many children who are suffering from terminal illnesses and/or chronic illnesses--many of whom have lost hope.  Many of these children wouldn't ever be able to take a trip to Disneyworld.  Many of them have had to grow up way too fast.  Kidd's Kids Foundation seeks to help these kids be kids again.
The primary goal of Kidd's Kids Foundation is to provide an all-expenses paid trip to Disneyworld for chronically ill and children with special medical needs.  Many of the families chosen to attend the trip are unable to afford such a trip, and the Kidd Kraddick morning radio show helps raise funds to cover the trip.  Every year, they sponsor about 50 kids and their families to attend the trip and take care of all of the work behind it.  They give the children a 5-day vacation and cover all meals, airfare, lodging and even give them each some spending money.
There are several ways you can become involved.  You can volunteer your time, you can donate money, you can buy merchandise online, and you can do corporate matching.

You can also become involved in The Glamour Squad.  It is also backed by the Kidd Kraddick morning show.  The Glamour Squad takes licensed cosmetologists and volunteers for a day of beauty for terminally/chronically ill teenage girls between 12-19.

Both of these organizations are wonderful and I encourage you to check out the web site and become involved.  You can tell they have a heart for service.

Tuesday, November 13, 2012

Dog Rescue: DFW Pug Rescue

Today, I'm really missing my two pugs.  
My husband and I currently don't have them living with us because they are destructive and don't do well in an apartment.  My parents are watching them until we get a house lined up--hopefully within the next year or two.  Hopefully, you are like me and love pugs.  If you don't, I don't dog-scriminate.  Haha.  However, since I'm partial to pugs, I figured I'd make sure you know about a great pug rescue in the Dallas area.  They sometimes get mixed dogs that you can adopt as well.  Besides for not doing really well in apartments, we are so in love with our pugs! They are a very lovable breed and always bring a smile to your face.

DFW Pug Rescue is a great 501 (c) 3 non-profit organization that has been up and running since 1997.  They are the largest pug rescue organization in the United States and they have currently placed over 5,500 lovable and huggable pugs.  They rescue all pugs regardless of medical condition or age.  Their mission is to find homes for these pugs and/or at least make sure they know they are loved.    You can adopt a pug, sponsor a pug or foster a pug--or you can simply make donations.  The web site even has a shop on it that has pug-focused goodies.  I encourage you to check out their web site and help a pug.

Monday, November 12, 2012

Human Trafficking: A21 Campaign

 I have had a heart for helping others my whole life.  I have had a heart for helping children in Eastern Europe since early high school.  I befriended two new kids to our school who confided in me that when they were very young, they were adopted from Albania.  I had no idea where Albania was.  I researched it and found that it was in Eastern Europe.  I looked up adoption in Eastern Europe and I was stunned to find how big of a problem orphanages were over there.  There are so many children who don't have homes--who will never have homes.  Also, when these children phase out of the orphanages, they have no support system.  Many of the girls are pushed into prostitution/slavery and many of the boys join gangs and turn to drugs.  I have decided that it is my dream to help as much as I can to prevent the terrible conditions that these children have to deal with.

I'll admit it, I get angry thinking about the fact that there are people who take children and adults into slavery, often of a sexual manner.  I feel a sense of urgency about this--like I want to hop on a plane and beat up whoever is doing this to these people, but I am unable to go 'beat up' everyone who is doing this.  I try not to think about it too much because it makes me really upset, but it's hard not to think about it when it weighs heavy on your heart. 

Enough about that, I found out about this organization a few months ago.  I was immediately drawn to it.  They have an amazing web site and they break down 21 ways that you can become involved.  The A21 Campaign recognizes a significant need in the regions of Europe.  You can become an abolitionist (to help end slavery) and encourage others to become involved.  You can host an event in your hometown and raise awareness.  You can donate what you have, including your time to raise awareness of this issue.

The goal of A21 Campain is to:

I encourage you to check out their web site.  You will be blown away by how amazing this organization is.  Yes, it is faith-based, and I am especially drawn to that because I am a Christian.  However, even if you are not a Christian, you can respect all they are doing to end human trafficking.